The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shockproof [crap] detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it.
Ernest Hemingway

Fiction writers, present company included, don't understand very much about what they do - not why it works when it's good, not why it doesn't when it's bad.
Stephen King

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.
Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who am I?

A long time ago, in a county far, far in the boonies...
(not really that far)
This is Supposed to be Scrolling
Rutherford County has been invaded by an unstoppable force of Germans. Germans from West Virginia. This combination has created a hybrid that cannot be defeated. In order to ensure victory, they have a secret weapon: CALEB WILKIE.
Taking up residence in the Lake Lure area, they remain out of sight of the innocent town folk of Rutherfordton. Wilkie, being sent to school at RS Central, has infiltrated the ranks of the students. If he is not discovered soon, many lives could be at risk. Armed with an aggressive dedication to nerd knowledge, inconceivable talent in Halo, and an endless amount of useless knowledge, he could threaten the peace of the entire galaxy...

I do hope you enjoyed my tribute to one of the greatest series in film. I remain an established Star Wars fan to this day--and I do believe I always will be.

Barring the drama, the above prologue is true. In 2006, I moved, along with my family, to North Carolina. My permanent residence started August of that year, and soon afterward, I began attending RS Central. Like my most people, I can claim that my four years at high school have changed me dramatically. In a very cliche fashion, this term of my life has shaped me into who I am. It has made me come into my own. It has made me find myself.
Pick one of these, and we'll continue.
However, you describe it, the above statements are true. But how? For example, in high school my taste in music and fashion has matured, I have honed my writing and speaking skills, I have become confident in my own self (that was vague), I have fallen in love, I have grown my sideburns and I have shaved them, I have created a great yearbook, I have published articles in the school paper, I have written a book (for better or worse), and I have created many friendships that simply did not exist in my younger days.
All the above can be condensed into blah, blah, blah...blah, blah.
But all of these have been critical in the creation of the Caleb Joseph Wilkie that exists right now and is writing this blog. Some of the events are more important than others. Some have been temporary, while others will never leave me until my last days.
The characters that helped me along the way are far greater than I will ever be. I am eternally thankful to my family (you can read anything specific in previous posts) and comrades (you know who you are). Assuredly, the greatest vehicle in changing me was my girlfriend Jennifer, but you, dear reader, have little business in knowing much about that.
When I pause and begin to reminisce. I begin to feel like Jean Val Jean. A character in my favorite musical Les Miserables (and quite possibly one of the most compelling stories ever created), Jean Val Jean rises from sinner to saint. He experiences a life of heartache and loss that could never be envied by any sane person. But during one song in the musical called "Who Am I?" Jean faces a great decision. It merely is who am I?
I feel that high school has taken me far on this road of discovery. This journey of who I am. But much of the task is yet to be done.
So, if you please, I'm off to answer this magnificent riddle...

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